
Virtual families 2 weak health
Virtual families 2 weak health

virtual families 2 weak health

I tried that thing where you try to save them when there on the bed before there spirit appears to say bye. They stayed depressed until they died at 58 and they were like 45 when he died! Strange!Ībout 60 o n they age about 3 yrs ova nite n 3 in the day n each generation lasts about 1 week These parents had two other children and they wouldn't watch movies with them, work on their careers, or anything except bathe and eat. ALSO the parents never "got over it." Usually when a parent dies, the family is depressed for a few hours, then gradually they become a "bit blue" and then happy and then elated. One day he just died in the bed in the children's room! With families in the 8th generation that is the only time I have had a child die. He had a cough, I treated it, he kept getting weaker and weaker-tried penicillin, vancomyacin, etc. I had one live to age 68 and one died at 16.

virtual families 2 weak health

No matter how healthy they are, they die. WOW! I have been playing for months and never been able to save a dying person! The average age my people die is 58. I did this not only with adults, but I had a ten yr old girl almost die and I saved her life. but, if you give them the fruit or vitamins that usually puts their picture back. Now at first the family will act as if they were dead and at first you won't be able to pick them up. If fruit, vitamins, or an energy drink is available at the store, give it to them. They will jump up on the bed and wave thanks to you. If nothing is wrong, then buy and use babyboost. If you have the money, buy a stethoscope and while game is still paused use it on the dying person. When you open the family up, if you see someone lying on the bed, hit the space bar to pause the game (as long as their spirit hasn't yet appeared to wave goodbye). click on family tree link and choose next generation and begin a new family with one of yous adult children. continue in the current game and try to uplift their spirits after suffering loss of loved one.ī). For future reference to anyone else:Īdults will pass away in their 60's on their bed.Ī). I've done some reading and answered my own question. Just wondering if anyone knows how long these little people live for on average, do they simply die of old age or can an illness kill them? Do you have to wait for both parents to die before you can pick your next generation? Hi I've only recently begun playing Virtual Families, my parents are in their mid fifties and their eldest has gone off to college.

Virtual families 2 weak health