
Google now chrome canary
Google now chrome canary

google now chrome canary

Tip: Use this command in the Run dialog to open the Startup folder on Windows: %APPDATA%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup. Now if you restart your computer or launch a computer next time, PWA will automatically open after logging into Windows.

#Google now chrome canary install

In the install app dialog shown, select the “Start app when you sign in to your computer.” and click “Install”. Click on PWA indicator + icon in the address barħ. Visit any Progressive Web App site in the browser, for instance, Twitter.Ħ. Search for “Desktop PWAs run on OS login”, select Enabled from the dropdownĥ. Ensure you’re using latest Chrome Canary.

google now chrome canary

Behind the scenes, the checkbox when selected, the app shortcut will be added to the Startup folder on Windows: Make PWAs to auto-start on Windows Loginġ. The flag when enabled, PWA install dialog will offer a checkbox for the app to start automatically when user signs in. Recently we covered their work about App shortcuts and new PWA features it is bringing to the Microsoft Edge browser.īack in January this year, Microsoft prepped a prototype to run PWAs at OS startup on Windows, Mac, Linux and Chrome OS Today, Google uploaded a commit for it to Chromium to bring “Desktop PWAs run on OS login” flag to Chrome Canary. Microsoft is investing heavily in Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). Google Chrome soon will display a checkbox in the PWA installation prompt for the web apps to start automatically when the user logs in to the computer.

Google now chrome canary