
The avowed rep guide
The avowed rep guide

the avowed rep guide

The OIG did not independently validate the information provided by the facilities.

the avowed rep guide

The OIG relied on VHA facilities to produce accurate assessments of occupational shortages as of December 31, 2017. In light of the changes in law, the OIG adjusted its approach to this year’s iteration of the mandated staffing report and conducted a facility-specific survey to determine current staffing levels and identify staffing shortages at the facility (local) level. The direct hire authority outlined in the Act resides with VHA. VCQEA outlines ways in which VHA may use the information presented in this report, including the recruitment and direct appointment of qualified applicants for the identified occupations. This is OIG’s fifth annual determination of staffing shortages in VHA. This is in contrast to the prior mandate to report the five largest staffing shortages throughout VHA. The law requires the OIG to report a minimum of five clinical and five nonclinical VA occupations that have the largest staffing shortages at each medical facility. The VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted this review in response to newly established requirements in the VA Choice and Quality Employment Act of 2017 (VCQEA). In italics is the executive summary excerpt: The reality is the Accountability Act is not creating a culture of competence but instead fueling greater retaliation and hostility against whistleblowers. Who would not want to sign up after seeing that the agency’s leadership still refuses to relinquish its well-documented ability to destroy its doctors?Īfter four years and countless millions on propaganda to polish its image in the public, the White House should take notice of the bigger looming problems.


Plus the lost earnings once they are fired and unable to locate work elsewhere. And let’s not forget the massive emotional damage that comes with being retaliated against. If that doctor, while at VA, reports malpractice or some other wrongdoing, the agency immediately retaliates by revoking the doctor’s privileges and destroying their reputation.ġ0 years and $200,000 down the drain. As a medical doctor, the individual spent over ten years in training and invested over $200,000 to become a doctor. The damage is so bad that record funds and increased spending in propaganda to deflate negative news still is not working to increase the applicant pool.Īnd who would want to take that risk with their career? The top reasons cited for the shortages were:īasically, the list reveals widespread corruption in the agency and well-known whistleblower retaliation has damaged hiring capabilities in key occupations.


Human resources professional and police were also on the list of shortages. At the top of the list were doctors and nurses. A report from VA OIG shows VA is still failing to hire enough doctors and nurses despite record taxpayer funding and heightened focus on increasing hiring in those vital categories.Ī survey conducted in January 2018 of VA medical center directors revealed continued staffing shortages in key roles without the agency.

The avowed rep guide